The Road I Travel — Pat Bester

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Pat Bester, Presentation at First Baptist Church, March 17, 2013

It was so good this morning to hear John saying, which to me is so true, “Whatever we go through we don’t go through alone; the Lord goes through it with us.” And I was very, very aware of that last year – that I was never alone.

A year ago I had to have surgery, and the treatment that I had afterwards, unfortunately damaged both of my eyes, which isn’t usual at all. And I was hospitalized for six weeks and given treatment. In the beginning it was every hour, day and night, that I had to have drops or ointment in my eyes. And then I had to have surgery on my right eye, that was the most damaged, to prevent any further damage to that eye.

So I couldn’t see through that eye, except for some movement and light and shapes, faintly. The left eye had an ulcer in it and to prevent that getting further irritated, my left eyelid was sewn closed and just a very small corner left open so that I could see through it. And it was difficult. The treatment was painful and uncomfortable. And eventually it was every two hours that I had, then three hours, and eventually it was three times a week.

During all this time I just felt that I was never alone.

I could feel the Lord’s presence with me. And at times when I really felt weak and low, I suddenly could feel just being lifted up, almost as if I was above the situation. And I know it was all the prayers that were said for me. I was so conscious of that. And I had heard people say that they were lifted up by prayer, but I experienced that. And it was wonderful to know that the prayers continued all the time. It wasn’t just for a time and then disappeared.

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